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Civil War CS & US Bullets Camp Relics Enfield Gun Plate Iuka, Tennessee

calhounrelics100.0% positive rating
1 boughtin past month
Civil War (1861-65)
Original Period Items
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((RAREST BULLET of the Civil War)) - .52 Caliber Gardiner Explosive Musketshell!


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civil war Dug MO. Relics pilot knob area


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Original Civil War Era 3 Ring Bullets; Quantity of 12; Lot 5


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Civil War Bullet Relic from The Battle of Antietam, MD with Display Case and COA


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Vintage Gettysburg Battlefield Military Museum Souvenir Civil War Dug Bullet


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1 Old Rare Vintage Antique Civil War Relic Miniball Appomattox Virginia


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Civil War 3 ring bullets in good dug dropped condition. Quantity 3 per lot.


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Genuine Civil War "DROPPED" Bullets Identified by Name and Location Found.


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Civil War Bullets - 5 Point Swage Base - Culpeper Va


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Genuine Civil War Bullets Identified by Name and Location Found. Minor Defects.


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